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Welcome Lobos!

This training contains content and language that explores sexual and interpersonal violence in our culture. 

The training discusses topics of a sensitive nature and may trigger an emotional response. If, for whatever reason, you are uncomfortable or concerned about the content you are welcome to contact a confidential advocate the Women’s Resource Center at or 505-277-3716. We can then make arrangements for you to complete the training in a different setting. This is not an institutional mandatory training, and although some of our campus partners may require you to complete the training, many of you will be taking the training voluntarily.

The due date for completing the program is December 31, 2022. 

The training consists of THREE MODULES to be completed in sequential order. Please allow at least 20 minutes to complete EACH module. You will be credited with completing a given module once you are connected to a completion page at the end of the interactive session. Users who disconnect from the site before completing a specific module will need to restart the module from the beginning when logging back in. 

The training is designed to be engaging and truly interactive.


Miquela Ortiz Upston, LMSW, OVW Campus Grant Project Coordinator, Women’s Resource Center

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